Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Turn Your Mic Off


My dad’s cousin was getting married and streamed the ceremony over Zoom because of the pandemic restrictions. My family got on the call, and we immediately muted ourselves, just like everyone else did. A few minutes later, a much older woman who we thought was the bride’s grandmother joined. Of course, she did not mute herself.

It was a little annoying to hear her talking and, not to mention, listening to the background noise before the ceremony, but it was no big deal. The wedding started, and even though there weren’t many in-person attendees, they were still doing the typical ceremony stuff. The groom’s parents walked him up, the handful of bridesmaids and groomsmen that were there walked out, etc.

Then the bride walked out. It was kind of hard to see her over Zoom, but even with the low video quality, you could tell she still looked beautiful. However, as she passed the camera where the Zoom call was being streamed from, the older woman on the call spoke up. She said the worst thing possible: “Oh, she looks big!” My mom immediately gasped in horror, and the rest of our jaws dropped to the floor.

We could see other people on the call having similar reactions, but this old woman was completely oblivious to the fact that everyone had just heard her. Thankfully, the bride didn’t seem to hear her. The old woman made a few more snarky comments during the ceremony, but none quite as appalling as that first one.

We still weren’t sure if she was the grandmother or not, but she made a Zoom wedding a lot more interesting for all of us. And for the record, the bride definitely did not look big, so I don’t know what the old lady was talking about.

Story credit: Reddit / MilkMachines

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