Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

In Real Time


We were on a Zoom conference call with our marketing agency. We were by far their biggest client, but our relationship had become strained as they weren’t delivering results. The purpose of the meeting was for them to introduce our new account director and present the results and action plan back to us. Our marketing manager was giving them a real hard time.

The new account director shared her screen but inadvertently shared her Slack messages on the screen as well. She and their whole team were talking trash about us in real-time as they were presenting. This included calling our marketing manager, whose actual name was Karen, “a real Karen.” They said, “I bet she’ll ask to speak to the manager,” and added that they would have to stop lying to us soon.

Karen let them keep it on the screen the whole time and told them at the end. The account director cried.

Story credit: Reddit / SnooDoughnuts308

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