Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

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My wife was on a call delivering virtual training to some new foster families. Her computer was located at the back of our dining room/study, so she had a good view of most of the door from about waist-high and upwards. The door didn’t latch anymore; it could easily be pushed open. My wife had shut the door before she began the call to keep any of the background house noises from interrupting the session.

She was about halfway through when our dog decided to investigate the strange voices coming from the room. The dog knew he could use his head to fling the door open, but the camera was angled in such a way that you could see most of the door, but not the dog as he came trotting in.

So, from the people’s perspective on the call, it appeared as if the door had been flung open with no one on the other side. It was comical listening from the other room as a group of fully grown adults shrieked in terror, and my wife had to explain it was just the dog.

Story credit: Reddit / manwithapencil

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