Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Quadruple Bypass Surgery


I was in London on a Zoom with about a dozen other folks who were spread across the United States. During the call, I received some pretty shocking news. I suddenly felt a cold sweat come on along with a lightheaded sensation, then a searing, burning pain in my chest. I had suffered a massive heart attack. I apparently managed to say, “I need to go,” before pushing my chair back from my desk and collapsing.

Thankfully it was still working hours, and the office had people in it. So my teammates were able to get me into a safe place, grab my nitro spray, and call an ambulance. I ended up having quadruple bypass surgery not long after, but it all eventually turned out well. Had it been an hour or two later in the day, the office would have been empty, and I probably wouldn’t have made it.

Story credit: Reddit / matdotcx

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