Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Sitting In Shock


I was on a Zoom call for work right after the pandemic started. My wife and I were both working from home. The schools and daycares were closed. We usually divided up our day so that one of us was working and the other was taking care of the kids. However, one day, we both had online meetings at the same time, so we turned on the TV and told the kids to just watch TV until one of us was done.

I had my headphones on so that I wouldn’t be distracted, and at some point, I saw my wife quickly get up from her chair. When I looked at my screen, at the window where I could see myself, I saw my 3-year-old behind me frantically clawing at her throat, trying to cough. She was choking on whatever snack she had been eating.

My wife was too panicked to do anything and was just screaming. I hopped up, leaned the kiddo forward, and just started smacking her on the back. Luckily she coughed it up, started crying, and I gave her a big hug. A minute or two later, I sat back down to my meeting, put on my headphones, and then realized everyone else in the meeting was just sitting there in shock because they had witnessed the whole thing.

Story credit: Reddit / mejok

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