Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Such an Annoying Voice


I was in the middle of a discussion-heavy class when I had a question that turned into a two to three-minute back and forth with the teacher. Just as they were redirecting the conversation back to their PowerPoint slides, one of the girls in the class wasn’t on mute. Someone in their room said, “That guy has such an annoying voice.” I cringed, but it was going to get so much worse.

The girl responded, “I hate hearing him talk. Every time he opens his mouth, I’m just waiting for him to shut up.” The teacher reminded everyone to mute themselves, and the girl got wide-eyed and muted herself. We could see her tell her roommate about it and then laugh, but they didn’t apologize or anything. There were a few moments of silence, and then the teacher moved on. I stepped away from my computer for a bit and barely ever said anything the rest of the semester.

Story credit: Reddit / BK_Hazard

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