Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Emergency Services


I was on a Zoom call with a friend of mine. Towards the end of the call, his voice stuttered a bit, and he just fell over and out of the frame. He wasn’t on headphones, so I started yelling his name, hoping to be loud enough to get his wife’s attention, who was in another room. I wasn’t getting anywhere, so I actually ended up calling another mutual friend to see if he knew the wife’s phone number.

If that didn’t work, my next step was calling the emergency services in his town. Thankfully, my friend woke up and sat up in his chair. He was still lightheaded, and I desperately told him to get his wife and go to a doctor. It was the single most terrifying Zoom I had ever been on. I was glad I didn’t have to watch my friend bite it that afternoon!

Story credit: Reddit / 1kevgriff

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