Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Training Day


My company was having a training session for new hires. They didn’t require you to have your camera and mic on unless you were the one presenting or hosting the meeting. We were all informed of this beforehand. One woman had her camera and mic on, pointed directly at her, while she just full-on stripped, did things in front of the camera, and even made noises.

The trainer tried to say, “Someone’s camera and mic is on. I’d appreciate it if you would turn them off, they’re not needed,” repeatedly, but she just kept stripping and shaking her chest in front of the work laptop camera. Either her volume was down, so she didn’t hear the trainer, she wanted an audience, or she was just an idiot. Either way, she didn’t make it past the first training day.

Story credit: Reddit / LauraBabora325

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