Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

It All Happened So Quickly


I was on a Zoom call, and the department lead, a young female who was presenting at the time, was wearing a pair of thick-framed trendy glasses. None of us were muted as it was a pretty interactive informal meeting where lots of ideas were shared. The husband or boyfriend of one of the other team members had come into the room during the call and didn’t realize his partner wasn’t muted.

During an unfortunate pause in the speaker’s conversation, we all heard, loud as day, “Oh man, I’d do stuff to those glasses!” The speaker momentarily paused to process what she had just heard and then just continued on the meeting as if it never happened. I was laughing hysterically and had to mute myself while several other co-workers did the same. It happened so quickly that nobody caught who said it, and since the meeting wasn’t recorded, nobody could figure it out.

Story credit: Reddit / JPMoney81

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