Man Hears Noise Coming From Wall, Calls Authorities When He Looks Inside

Hidden Beneath

Old Lawns Farmhouse

Through his bedroom window, he watched several policemen walk around his property. He felt braver and unlocked his room to go talk to them. The policemen searched but didn’t find anything untoward. Although they were concerned, TarPuppy could tell that some of the policemen felt that he was playing a prank on them. It was almost Ten PM and they wanted to head back to the station.

Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he brought Murphy inside and locked the doggie door securely. Then the two held vigil for the entire night. But there was something TarPuppy could never have imagined. Just a few feet away from where he rested his head at night, there was something lurking within the very walls. Although the police confirmed that there was nobody on the property, Tarpuppy decided to take some extra precautions. He brought Murphy inside and locked all the doors and windows. He double-checked that everything was locked again, got some refreshments from the kitchen, and planned to stay up being a watch guard. He sat in the lounge so he could see and hear everything.

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