Man Hears Noise Coming From Wall, Calls Authorities When He Looks Inside

A Disturbing Find

Daily Mail

When he rose the next morning, he was exhausted. He had been kept up all night by the noise that seemed to grow louder and louder. He stumbled through the hallway to the kitchen to brew some coffee in hopes that it might give him the strength he needed for the task at hand. He took his coffee to the living room and sat down. The noise was louder in here, too. The whole room smelled sickeningly sweet and familiar…but he couldn’t quite place the scent. As he sipped his coffee, he noticed something. Something had pooled on the carpet in a thick stain against the far wall, and this was where the scent was coming from.

He rose to inspect the dark puddle on the carpet. And then he saw that there was something oozing down the wall in thick dark trails. It looked like very dark tree sap, but how could that be possible? The entire surface of the wall was slick with it. He felt his mind trying to process this new information… but it was like his brain was shrouded in a thick fog. He felt an urge to just leave. Leave all this madness behind him and never come back. It was all becoming too much and there was a real possibility that his mind, under so much strain, would finally snap.

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