Man Hears Noise Coming From Wall, Calls Authorities When He Looks Inside

The First Wall

The Bartlett Bee Whisperer

They came within the hour in a big white van. They donned their safety suits and got to work on the wall. When TarPuppy had seen the honeycomb when he removed the first brick, he knew he had a massive infestation on his hands. There were hundreds of thousands of bees, all humming and buzzing within the space in the wall. There were so many that their honey had started to seep from the molding and cornices in the house. He felt a sense of calm now that he knew that the sound he had been fixating on had a logical cause. But there was one other niggling worry – the bees didn’t explain the intruders, or the cryptic notes, or the growing sense of unease he had been feeling.

He had an inexplicable sense that things were about to reach some sort of tipping point. Little did he know that he was about to discover something much more sinister hidden in the walls than insects.

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