Man Hears Noise Coming From Wall, Calls Authorities When He Looks Inside

The Beehive

The Bartlett Bee Whisperer

Jordy of Jordy’s Bee Removal Service was aghast when they removed the remaining bricks and revealed the inside wall of the old home. There were at least 35,000 bees residing within. They had never seen anything like it. It was a massive beehive, and it had taken over 5 hours to carefully smoke and relocate the bees that dwelled there. They then began to remove the hive, piece by painstaking piece.

One slab of honeycomb that was removed was an enormous 3 feet wide and 5 feet tall. It was no wonder that the kid who had called them to come urgently sounded dazed and had appeared absolutely shell-shocked on their arrival. He was waiting in the drive with his head in his hands when they rolled up, but something about his eyes when he showed them the gap in the wall had unsettled Jordy to his core.

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