Man Hears Noise Coming From Wall, Calls Authorities When He Looks Inside

I Am Being Watched


Tarpuppy commented on his original post that when he unlocked the front door and went outside again for his mug of cocoa, and when he realized in hindsight what could have happened if he hadn’t locked the door, it scares him down to the marrow in his bones. He looked for his cocoa, but it had been moved and was no longer resting on the ledge by the door. After checking his phone, TarPuppy realized that he had forgotten his delicious drink outside. He unlocked the front door and look over at his mug. To his shock, it had disappeared.

He looked around the vicinity and couldn’t find it. As he walked out onto the porch he kicked something with his foot. It was his mug. How did it end up on the floor near his front door? He was sure where he had left it. Our Redditer started to cower in fear of someone watching him.

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