Man Hears Noise Coming From Wall, Calls Authorities When He Looks Inside



TarPuppy quickly ran inside and shut the door and locked it with a loud thud. It was as though his sixth sense had been activated and he was now in survival mode. All of a sudden, he heard loud male footsteps thumping on the porch. He froze in terror. “What should I do now?” he thought frantically. He could hear talking. He had to save his life. He ran upstairs to fetch his father’s Remington but when he checked through the peephole again, the dark figure had gone.

Our Redditer had an uneasy sleep but the new morning gave him a bit more courage. He walked downstairs and checked through the window before going outside. All seemed clear. What he found outside gave him a serious fright. His mug was still there, empty with a small piece of paper inside. He hesitatingly picked up the note and slowly opened it, dreading to read it. On it was the scribbled words: “Let Us In”.

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