Good Reasons

Andrew had good reasons for forgetting all about her. He never admitted this to anyone, not even his current family. But he was not always the man he was today. The relationship he had once had with Jessica was terrible. It was borderline abusive and the best thing he had ever done was get out of it. But she was back.
Andrew, haunted by memories of his abusive past with Jessica, decided it was time to confront the demons he had long avoided. Despite his fear, he filed a lawsuit against her for defamation and emotional distress, seeking justice for the torment she had inflicted on him and his family. As the legal battle progressed, evidence mounted in Andrew’s favor, revealing Jane’s deceit about the paternity of the child. The court ruled in Andrew’s favor, ordering Jane to pay significant damages. Seeing Jessica’s defeat in court brought a sense of satisfaction to Andrew, but an underlying unease lingered.
Despite the victory, Andrew grappled with the trauma of the experience, aware that the scars would endure. The community, however, surprised him with overwhelming support on social media, rallying behind him and condemning Jessica. Witnessing the cancel culture in action, Andrew found closure, knowing that Jessica’s actions had consequences, allowing him to finally move forward with his happy family.
Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.